We had a wonderful time visiting family in Vermont! A week at Stratton ski mountain visiting with Grandpa and Nanna and then to see the cousins Susan and Michaelyn.Oh, selfi!
Above are the biologicals. What a group! Below: Michaelyn and her youngest son, Mason.
Below we have only the adults...if you want to call them that ;) The guy on my should is Will Ackerman, founder of Windham Hill Records. When we first discovered each other a few years ago Susan said, "Prepare yourself, there are a few famous people in the family." I wrote about Bruce/Caitlyn and Edward Jenner but allowed us to discover Will when we visited. More on him as we go . . .
Every building you see in these photos was built by Will. Built from the trees on the land. There are 23 buildings on that land! All are amazing. There is literally nothing he can't do and do at the highest level . . . including picking a spouse!
They make such a great couple! And Tika, too!
Susan making French Toast.
All the boys watching a movie after sprinting around the yard, leaping over rock walls, and and exploring.
Luke hanging out on the couch.
The outside of the recording studio. Yes, Will built it. Maybe I'd do a separate post from our previous visit to show you the inside. In there is a grammy and more gold and platinum records than I could count. It's a beautiful space and one of the best studios in the world for recording piano.
Part of their farm.
Jack with one of the ducks.
They raise their own food and share with other farms in the area. Guess where we're headed if the zombie apocalypse occurs.
Back to the farm. Jack picking carrots.
At a neighboring farm looking for dinner.

The boys were sent outside. Hehe.
Out from waiting waiting for Susan and Will to arrive.
My failed gift. I brought a "Jackfruit" but it went bad by the time we got there! I tasted it and it wasn't bad, but it smelled a little and was too soft. No one else would try it. Big chickens!