Jack's 16the Birthday

On May 20th Jack turned 16. It seems like one of those landmarks that makes you face the fact that he's truly growing up.
We celebrated at home with a small party, more junk food on Friday Night Fun Night, and a movie on Sunday...not to mention roller coasters (see below).
He received some wonderful gifts from his NY and OH grandparents.
It's been an absolute pleasure to watch Jack get older. He is a thoughtful kid with a big heart. He's justice oriented and appreciative. Talking with him is always rewarding and entertaining. We just wish it would happen a little slower.
We finally caught it on camera! Below, is the look Luke gives right before he attacks! If you see it, just run. Or be prepared to defend yourself.
The previous weekend we brought Jack and two of his friends to Cedar Point for a night. We're pretty sure Luke did not invite anyone because he just wanted to hang out with Jack's friends. I kid you not, he thinks he's 16, too. Anyway, Cedar Point is great because it's a quick drive to the North.
Above: We rented a cabin on site and stayed over night. Below, on Lake Erie with his friends. They're great kids; smart and respectful plus creative and a little funny.
That's what the first roller coaster did to Jack's hair.
Mary at Lake Erie.
That panoramic shot sure makes Cedar Point look small.
We need one of these at home!
This is one of the cabins. The roller coasters and water slides surround the cabins. The area is bucolic yet still gives you the feeling of being in an amusement park...not to mention the constant screaming.
There are so many more photos but I'm so far behind that I wanted to get something posted. I'll try to post more photos soon, including Jack's final mile race as a sophomore.